Working for the Breakthrough

Marriage is hard. Fun. Exhausting. Enjoyable. Maddening. Titillating. Boring. Hilarious. Numbing. Satisfying.

How can one relationship be all these things? Why would God set up this structure? Was He looking for cruel amusement. Or cosmic transformation?

God loves marriage. More than we do, I think. Perhaps it is because He sees more than we do. And He knows what He is capable of when He is invited INTO a marriage.

Chuck and I passed the 20 year mark last year. I mean, in all seriousness, it was an act of God. I can’t believe how different we are now, and how glad I am that we kept believing for more. Maybe it is that God kept believing for more.  Just like this photo, He broke through our hard hearts, and brought new life. More than we could have asked or imagined.

And in this last year, I have watched many marriages fall apart. There is grace and hope of course. But what about your marriage?

Would you like see God perform a miracle? Then press into your marriage and beg Him for transformation. It won’t be easy or pretty. But it will be worth it. Get some godly counsel. Learn how to do marriage God-style. Take a great big dose of humility. It is the best medicine around for marriages, hurting or thriving.

And, I have just 2 or 3 spaces left for the True Intimacy Marriage Retreat. If you need a little help, or a great big dose of Jesus, we would love for you to join us next weekend. It is never too late for God to be God in your marriage.


Seeing, and Speaking, Truth

Charis and I were watching a football game with Chuck and of course being bombarded with the ads as well. There were two ads that continued to repeat in the same order every couple of minutes. Then it hit me.

“Charis, watch this ad. What is the guy doing?” I asked. She proceeded to tell me how he  “thinks he is all cool, and doing all that rapping and talking about how good he is because of his shoes. And he got all those different colors. He doesn’t need so many pairs.”

“Do shoes make you cool?” I asked.

“No mom, but that’s all he’s talking about. ”

“Okay now watch this one.”  We sat in silence watching the ad, again, but this time focused on its message even though both ads had already washed over us at least four times before. Pay attention to what you are soaking in.

“Charis do you see the difference between these two men? One is about the outside appearance. He is saying,  what I wear makes me cool. It’s all about him, what he gets, what he wants. But this  second ad is about a man who is giving to others. It is about him being strong and brave because he is serving others. His value is on the inside pouring out.”

Oh, the difference between sports shoes and the Marines. But in a two-minute time capsule the great war was revealed. It’s not the argument surrounding materialism vs the military. Those are secondary opinions. It is the war of shallow self focus vs a surrendered life of sacrifice.  When we think we have to own, or wear, or look on the outside a certain way, to feel right on the inside, we have been deceived by our enemy. It’s that simple.

Our worth is who we are in God, to God, through God. It is the truth we possess on the inside that creates our strength, power, beauty, love. Indeed our worth.

You know this. You just unwrapped Christmas presents. Regardless of the wrapping, you judged the gift by what was IN the box. Not the paper and bows.

You are the dwelling place of the The Most High God. No pair of sneakers will substitute for, or add to, this great gift inside you. And honestly, nothing will satisfy our aching hearts like His presence. Are we seeing, and speaking, this truth to ourselves and the next generation?

Every time we turn our hearts toward heaven, every time we breathe a prayer of thanks, or ask in faith, we are strengthened to live inside out.  May it be so.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.” Romans 1:25

Reorder Your Life.

This is a weighty statement. It is not one you can just blow past or check off. But when the question is: how can I live my life with more of You, more peace, more connection, and this is God’s answer…what do you do? What will you do?

It stopped me cold in my tracks.

If minutiae is a demonic distraction, if fretting is evil, if my busyness  just avoids the rest and trust in the Almighty, if there is more and all I have to do is reorder my life — then how and where do I begin?

This blows new year’s resolutions right out of the water. This requires a surrender of supposed needs, desires, wants, isms, have-to’s and ought-to’s.

Think of Abraham. Think of Deborah. Think of Paul.  Their lives were as loaded, strained, demanding, and draining as ours. And, God totally interrupted their lives for a holy calling. I don’t think the calling was the “outcome.”  I think the calling was saying yes when God asked them: Will you do whatever I ask? This is before the outcome was known. Maybe we deceive ourselves and think we will respond to God when He calls us to “big” things. But it is the “yes” in the moment He is after. Will you lay aside whatever YOU think is important to follow Him?

Think of Jesus.  He actually knew and understood the outcome of His calling. Yet he was not hurried. He was not distracted from the person in front of Him, though the masses pressed in. Nor was He distracted by the person in front of Him, though they wanted  more and more from Him. He was utterly present, and completely surrendered to His Father to live and move according to His will. His surrendered intimacy changed and challenged the status quo. He lived a “reordered” life. We can too.

But it might kill us in the process.  What I mean is, it might kill the whims and excuses, the fads and phones, the complaints and crammed calendars. How about just keeping up with all the “stuff”?  I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some of this to die off, not to become monks or hermits and withdraw from life. But to shed the layers of lies that keep us from our God and each other.

He and I are still talking about exactly how to “reorder” when I have obligations and others depending on me. But the first step was my “yes.” Yes Jesus, I am willing to do whatever it takes to have more of You.  I will gladly trade the American manic panic lifestyle if I can have more of His presence.  How about you?


The Manger Moment: The Common Denominator

The manger scene is a wonder to ponder with the poorest of the poor in the shepherds and the richest of the rich in the magi. What a spectrum of humanity it is. Not unlike our own spectrum of Salvation Army bells ringing for donations and registers ringing up designer gadgets and clothing. Yet we will all come to “the moment.” And it will be the same moment for us all, rich or poor.

The gifts will all been opened, and the glee for the “next” will subside.  From the meager gifts of the Angel Tree recipients to the gaudy gifts of the materialists,  the packages will lie unwrapped in a heap, exposed for what they are: more stuff.

And then the moment comes. The manger moment.  In that split second  we ask, we all ask, whether young or old, wealthy or wanting, we ask, “is this all there is?”

This is the very answer they were given at the manger.  Here, wrapped in his mother’s arms, “is all there is.” Jesus is the all in all. He is the first and the last. The rich who became poor only to become rich. He is ancient of Days who became a newborn, the servant who became King. The crucified who rose again. He is the embodiment of the question “is this all there is?” To which He boldly answers, Yes I am. I am the way the truth and the life.

A new song on the radio declares a glorious truth much like the angels did on that first morning:  “our Salvation has a name.”

He is Jesus, Savior,
Son of God, the King of Kings.”
Our salvation has a name.

Jesus, Savior,
Precious Lord of Everything.
Our whole world’s about to change,
And it will never be the same.

He  is one thing that binds us all together… “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10  Beyond the gifts, and the goodies, and the yummies, and the laughter, tears, torment, and longings, Jesus is the great joy that fills in our spirits like no gift card can. Jesus is joy. And He is ours for the taking, if we will only believe.

Don’t miss the answer of the manger moment. Our world will never be the same. Your world will never be the same.

A Great Light

I was adding ornaments to my tree this morning. I had to laugh. They look like miniature disco balls. But they also looked liked mosaics. Broken shards delicately placed together to form a whole new piece of art.  And when the little white Christmas lights hit them, “Voila!”

Sparkles. Colors. Reflections bouncing everywhere. Grabbing color from the tree and other nearby ornaments, it became so much more in the light.

You were made to reflect the light. Not be the center or source of light, but close enough to reflect and bounce and dare I say it, dance in the light.

No wonder then that Jesus is called the great light that has come into the world. No wonder the darkness can not overcome Him. No wonder we look and feel so much better when we are close to Him. He came so we could reflect Him. Brilliantly, beautifullly, eternally.

And just as an exclamation point to this thought, I came back to the tree a little later in the morning and the sun was shining on the tree…talk about glowing!

So shine baby, shine.

“Blessed is the people who know the joyful sound;
they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance.”  Psalm 89:15


Perfect…Not Yet

These are the words the Lord whispered in my ear one day during worship.  Perfect…Not Yet.

“I know that because of Jesus you see me as perfect. But the ‘not yet’ part is hard to live through sometimes. Lord, how do I live in the gap of those three little dots? the space between Perfect and Not Yet?” I asked.

His answer was astounding.

“The one constant is My overwhelming love and presence.  Every circumstance is an opportunity for you to see if I can take it.”

He didn’t say, see if Jana  can take it. He said see if He can take it. Can God be God in my circumstances? Is He big enough, does He love enough, can He pull it  off?

God wants you and I to see that He not only has the beauty and power to make us Perfect, but He has the love and stamina to walk out the Not Yet. He is the one constant that changes every factor of life.


Who is Giving to Whom?

There is a giddy sense of excitement about Nov. 1st. Unusual for the normal prep of teaching  an intense event.  I have this “anticipation” of what is coming. Real celebration.  I don’t think I even know what is coming other than the Lord is really eager to drink in our worship, to hear us bragging on Him. I really hope, for your sake, that  you will plan to attend.

I believe the Lord has something He wants to pour out on us. Perspective? Hope? Even Faith?

Your biggest challenge will be wiping away whatever obstacle is being thrown at you to keep you from sitting with Him. I know how it feels.  I am doing the same dance. But I am calling you like He is calling me…choose to be with Him. Listen for Him. Look to Him.

Let’s see what He is celebrating Nov 1st.  My guess is it will have something to do with you…

Feasting at His Table

People make me laugh. Heck, I make me laugh. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate and we get in such conundrums.  A couple of menfolk think the WGR November 1st fundraiser is just for women. It’s open to all. A couple of womenfolk think it is only a worship night.  We will worship and invest in God’s vision for WGR  too. And, just for the record, I get sick of fundraisers just like you do.

But in reality, “An Offering of Praise” is best described as pulling up a chair to the Lord’s table for a family meal and meeting.  We will eat together. Enjoy each other’s company. We will thank the Father for all he has done. Then, we will hear what’s on His heart and what He’s working on through Women Getting Real.

It really is a party. And you know, when Jesus and His believers get together in spirit and truth, it’s always a good time. So like you would for any good party, invite your friends, let people know you’re coming, and bring your hearts.

I sense He has a real smile on His face about what He is cooking up. This guy knows all about feasting, and He is inviting you to the table.

Click here to RSVP

Lord of the Thorns

Warrior Bride. I love this image. Last week I challenged you with what God was saying about preparation for battle, about our readiness to go. I told you about the vision of combat boots and stepping over thorns. Check out the blog, “Get Your Boots On.”

It was odd because as I wrote it, there was a whisper about the crown of thorns upon the brow of Jesus. But an interruption stole the thought.

Later in the day,  I talked to my friend about the blog and she casually mentioned, “Jesus is our combat boots. He wore the thorns so we wouldn’t have to.”

Externally, I said, “Yes, That is so good. Amen.” Internally, I recalled the whisper in my mind that had now been refreshed. We ended the call, but the Lord continued to stir that conversation.

He reminded me of a section out of Tim Keller’s new book, The King’s Cross.  I will let the author’s words do the talking regarding the comparison among the man and woman and Jesus.

God was saying, “Because you love me, don’t eat from the tree — just because I say so.  Just to be in relationship with me. Obey me about the tree, and you will live.”  And Adam didn’t. He and Eve failed their test; and the whole human race has been failing ever since. Satan never stops testing us. He says, “This idea of self-giving love, where you make yourself totally vulnerable and you orbit around other people — that’ll never work.”

We look at Adam and Eve and say, “What fools — why did they listen to Satan?”  Yet we know we still have Satan’s lie in our own hearts, because we’re afraid of trusting God — of trusting anybody, in fact.

But God didn’t leave us defenseless. God said to Jesus, “Obey me about the tree” — only this time the tree was a cross — “and You will die.”

And Jesus did. He has gone before you into the heart of a very real battle, to draw you into the ultimate reality of the dance. What he has enjoyed from all eternity, he has come to offer you.

When Jesus wore a crown of thorns, He was saying, “I am King of all that the enemy would use to hurt, humiliate, rip and strip from you. I am letting him take his best shot at Me.” And Jesus’ whisper, “It is finished,” is the battle cry of all time.  There is now nothing in the hands of our enemy that Jesus has not already conquered. He is the Lord of the thorns.

Glory be to the God of all Ages!!!

Get Your Boots On…

I can’t tell you too much yet. The revelation is too new. Too raw. But in a season of intense prayer with Jeremy, one of our pastors, he said, “This is so random but I see you in a pair of sandals.”

“Yes I wear them all the time.” I said.

“But  you can’t go very far in sandals. You know how the Bible says our feet are shod with the good news of the gospel?” I nodded yes. “Well you can’t go very far or very long in sandals. It’s like you are casually walking.”

“Do you mean it’s too casual? Am I being too casual with what I am doing?”

“Yes in a way but it’s more than that.  Sandals are too open. You are too likely to have…” he paused here and searched for the right word.

“Backlash,” he said firmly.

“Do you mean like my feet will get hurt?”

“Yes but more than that. You get caught in the thorns in sandals. Sandals open you to backlash, not being protected or prepared for the journey.”

Then the Lord spoke the bomb and the balm all at once. “I see you getting new pair of shoes. They are combat boots.”

I know my face must have looked bewildered.  Combat boots? Not silhettos? Not bright, sparkly, flashy shoes? I think to myself. He continued.

“God is giving you a pair of combat boots. People in combat boots walk anywhere with no thought of thorns, or terrain. People in combat boots walk with a purpose. They are in a war and they are ready.”

Wow.  Obviously by this point I am in a puddle of my own tears. And many more prayerful words followed. I am still dissecting and digesting it all. But as I was going to my car the Lord continued the conversation about the thorns.

“What do thorns represent?” the Lord pressed in my heart.

“The curse, the devil’s attempts to slow you down?”

“In your boots, you will walk over those.”

What do you say to this? And if my head had not already been blown off my shoulders, look at the photo I get today…. A  bride in combat boots. Ezer Warrior.

You better get your boots on. We’re going somewhere.

Oh the power and majesty of this God we love. Oh the strength He gives to us all.
Lord, thank you for speaking to us, and please continue to equip us all for the journey with you.  May you give us an increase of faith to hear and believe and act on what You say. Amen.