Monday Prayer: Resting in God

Rest. It stirs up all kinds of images, but there is a spiritual rest that I am only beginning to comprehend. As I am seeking more revelation from the Lord, He has lots to say  about it. The following is an excerpt from a phenomenal book, The Rest of the Gospel, by Dan Stone. Better get your fork because this is meat. Pray over the rich truths within these truths this week:

“It is not your striving that releases Christ’s life through you. It is your trusting. Just say, “Lord, Your Holy Spirit it  showing me this truth. I embrace it by faith, just like I embrace Jesus FOR me by faith and experienced forgiveness of my sins. I now embrace Jesus IN me as my life. Teach me, convince me of this truth by the Holy Spirit, so that I won’t be captive any longer trying to produce this life myself.”

What’s good news to us now isn’t just that He died FOR us, though that is good news. It isn’t just that He’s WITH us, though that is good news. It isn’t just that He’s IN us, helping us, though that is good news. The really good news is that  He is in us, living His Life as us.

He has joined His Spirit with our spirit. In the unseen and eternal, there’s Deity inside us. We are not that Deity, but we are containers of that Deity.

A well of eternal life is springing up within us. That life is adequate, that life is sufficient, that life is never exhausted, never tires, never tastes bitter. That life is always light, always has mercy in it, always has a second chance in it, always carries God’s forgiveness toward others, always is love.

When we recognize this, suddenly the Oughts and Musts of Satan’s frenetic life become the “Be still, and be” of God’s life — the “Be still and be”  of His eternal presence.  A dramatic change of our point of reference results.  Satan’s invitation to humanity was “you become.” When we’re playing  the game of Must and Ought, we’re in the spotlight. Our performance is center stage.

But our point of reference is now the indwelling Jesus Christ. He has not part in the separation implied by Must and Ought. He lives in our sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, where all simply IS. We are invited to let that be, and let Him come forth.”

(page 62, The Rest of the Gospel, by Dan Stone. You can purchase this book through our website under Resources, Recommended Reading.)

One thought on “Monday Prayer: Resting in God

  1. Perfect timing. God’s teaching me a lot about rest right now. Currently doing a study by Keri Wyatt Kent “Breathe: Creating space for God in a hectic life”
    Also, as I was reading another book last night “Pure Joy” I was drawn to ready Hebrews 3 & 4…entering His place of rest.

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