When We Get Sick…

Okay here is a real stretch.  Does God know what it is like to not know what to do? Does he know the feeling of being at the end of His rope? Does He even have a rope?

I would say in the Doctrine World the answer to all of these questions is  a resounding “no.”

But when you have been up for two nights, your youngest has been crooping for three weeks, your husband has been in bed for two days, your oldest is home from school too with first stages of the same crud, your dog is yipping outside the door and you are cramping like crazy from PMS, it really helps to know that God understands.

Really understands.

I was laying on the couch in those first waking moments thinking, “God how am I going to do this today?” And Charis came and snuggled with me on the couch.

“Like this.”  I felt Him whisper in my heart.

Just let Him hold you today. Somehow, no matter how bad it gets, it always feels better when you’re in Their Arms.

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…” Isaiah 66:13

Lord thank you that You are what’s at the end of my rope. Amen

2 thoughts on “When We Get Sick…

  1. Sorry you are going through a tough time Jana, the Lord has encouraged me in the past months with

    MATT 5:3 (Msg)
    “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

    Praying for you sister.

  2. Okay this came at a perfect time. I am or should I say was at the end of my rope until I read your post.

    I have been 7 hours away from home for almost 2 weeks watching my daughter go through several hours a day of grueling treatment for her scoliosis, dealing with my oldest daughter’s first heartbreak, and other stressors.

    I nearly snapped in the Greenville, NC walmart when this elderly lady didn’t give me enough time to put my money in my wallet and gather my things and then someone almost backed over me as I was walking to my car.

    I am definitely at the end of my rope and thank you Lord you are there at the end of my rope.

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