What’s Your Excuse?

I love how Seth Godin just cuts through the crap to ask serious questions.  Here is an excerpt from his blog.


You don’t know what to do

You don’t know how to do it

You don’t have the authority or the resources to do it

You’re afraid

Once you figure out what’s getting in the way, it’s far easier to find the answer (or decide to work on a different problem).

Stuck is a state of mind, and it’s curable.

All I can add to this is AMEN and AMEN!!!  When you evaluate these statements honestly without the drama and B.S. it enables you to live and move differently. And secondly, when you present any or all of these questions to the Lord, He is able to speak truth and lead in power.

You know, God is not stuck. Ever. Ever. Ev-er. So we can find our shelter, our direction, our provision and our hope in Him. Do the hard work. Identify which one of these stops you and then press in to the truth. You will find more and more over time that being stuck is curable. And Jesus is the healer…

3 thoughts on “What’s Your Excuse?

  1. This was just what I needed, today! Even though I had no idea who Seth Godin is, God used him and you, Jana, to bring me some wisdom and guidance in a situation I am facing. I have been “stuck” and couldn’t seem to move forward until now. Thank you. Thank God!

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