Be still…

I have been recuperating, reveling, and rejoicing from all the events of late. There are so many God stories flying around, that I can’t keep up. Women set free, redeemed. Romanced for the first time or in a long time.  At the same time there are so many needs. Homes to sell, backs to heal, relationships to mend. But this morning I am sitting in awe of Him.

Be still. And know. That He is. God.

Be still. Stop the noise. Turn off Facebook, email, phone, Itunes. Just for a moment listen for the sound of Him breathing on you. Blowing away your fears. Whispering your name. The closeness of Him.

And Know. Without holding back, or doubting. With full consent of your heart, soul and mind. Believe with childlike faith.

That He is. God is alive and well. Happy, victorious, powerful and loving. He knows all and holds all of your life together. He is for you, with you, in you, in love with you.

God. The maker of the universe, the one who formed you in the secret place. God of all gods. Mighty and tender. Different from any other source in your life. Altogether lovely.

Take a deep breath. And let Him fill your lungs today with His life. He is the air we breathe.

2 thoughts on “Be still…

  1. Jana, I am still recuperating and I only spent one weekend with you – HA!! Seriously, though, God used you in such a powerful way in my life. I am still trying to “chew on” all that God spoke to me…I want to cling to Him and His word and not forget any of it! I am learning to be still…

    Thank you for your ministry and for speaking at our retreat (Manley) and for allowing His love to shine through you.

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