Real Question #3: What If I’m Doing It Wrong?

Someone asked me this the other day when we were talking about hearing from God.  In fact, when you start talking about any kind of intimacy with God, there are always lots of questions. But to be candid, those questions look a lot like doubt and fear.

It goes all the way back to the Garden when the snake hissed, “Did God really say?”

Hearing from God is not about getting a grade, checking a box, or receiving a gold star. Nor is it about failing. It is a relationship. It is about learning to follow.

Think of an infant who is BORN to walk. She is fully equipped but simply under-developed. So with time and strengthening, encouragement and modeling, that child will rock on her hands and knees, then crawl in some crazy, awkward fashion and then take her first wobbly, trembling steps. But it doesn’t stop there.

Those first steps lead to bruised hands and heads. Skinned up knees, lots of boo boos and band-aids.

But NEVER does the parent tell the child, “Stop trying. Why bother? It’s too hard. You simply can’t do this.” The parent knows that those little arms, legs and feet were designed for Running.

So listen for the voice Who calls you. Listen in songs, in nature, in the Bible and books. Listen even through others’ conversations with you. Listen for those words that ring a bell deep inside you.

And speak back. Talk to Him. All the time, about everything.
Talk to the One who made you able to Run into His arms.

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