Real Question #3: How Can I Know I’m Saved When God Seems Far Away?

Someone lobbed this at me recently.

This question is really important and really simple.

Let’s begin with the really important. Your salvation is an eternal exchange between you and God when you, by faith, respond to the Spirit of God. I don’t know your story, day, or awareness, but there is a time that you KNEW deep in your inner being that something had changed.

That was a Faith transaction. Not a feeling exercise. You didn’t flex a muscle, or swat a fly, or smell a flower. You signed an eternal covenant. You went from death to life. You went from being a homeless, abandoned orphan to wearing the King’s name, ring and gown.

You know it. And more importantly, so does God.

So no matter where you wander in the King’s country, you are still the King’s daughter. Even if you are not speaking to your Dad, He cannot and will not disown you.

Instead of questioning whether you are the King’s daughter, which is a settled issue, perhaps better questions are: why are you hiding from your Loving Father, and where do you think you can go to be away from Him?

Romans 8:38-39 says ‘Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.’ And Psalm 139:7 says ‘Where can I go from your Spirit?’

Here is the really simple part. He is as close as a prayer of faith. Speak to the One who is pleased to call you daughter.

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